Keeping Up With Your Planner

Planning is an essential part of staying organized and achieving your goals. One of the most effective tools for planning is a planner. A planner is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you keep track of your tasks, appointments, and goals.  I go through phases where I am really good about using my planner and then I will go a week without even opening it! In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using a planner and provide tips on how to use it effectively.

Erin Condren Planner

One of the primary benefits of using a planner is that it helps you stay organized. With a planner, you can keep track of your appointments, meetings, and deadlines in one place. By having a clear view of your schedule, you can avoid overbooking yourself and ensure that you have enough time to complete your tasks.

Another advantage of using a planner is that it helps you set and achieve your goals. By breaking down your goals into manageable tasks and scheduling them in your planner, you can stay motivated and focused. You can also use your planner to track your progress and celebrate your successes.

Simplified Planner

To use your planner effectively, it's essential to choose one that suits your needs. There are many different types of planners available, from daily and weekly planners to monthly and yearly ones. Consider your schedule and the type of tasks you need to complete when selecting a planner.  I have used both an Erin Condren and a Happy Planner before.  This year I switched from Erin Condren vertical to Erin Condren hourly and I’m not using it like I had hoped so I will be switching back!  We also have a digital family calendar so I can make sure I know when and where to pick up kids, etc.  I like for my planner to follow the school year rather than running January-December.  You should find that most planner companies have lost of date options.

Happy Planner

Once you have a planner, it's important to use it consistently. Schedule time each day or week to review your planner and update it with new tasks and appointments. I typically sit down with my planner on Sunday afternoons when I know I won’t have any disruptions.  Make sure to prioritize your tasks and schedule them at times when you are most productive.

Using a planner is an excellent way to stay organized and achieve your goals. By selecting the right planner, using it consistently, and prioritizing your tasks, you can make the most of this powerful tool. Whether you're a student, professional, or busy parent, a planner can help you stay on track and accomplish your goals.  Now is the perfect time to get a planner ordered so you can start the New Year off organized!  Just getting started with planning?  Check out my other posts here and here.

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